

Didenko Family

© 2003-2023 Vlad Didenko, Marina Didenko


The content rights are not available for sale or licensing. Any use of the content except by the website owners is prohibited, unless specified per-page otherwise, or agreed in writing otherwise.

This website is for personal photos and posts, for the benefit of family and friends. As such it has a minimal needed set of features. No backward compatibility with old browsers is considered.

Most photos are processed to match a personal perception at the time of capture, and some photos are processed creatively. No guarantees presented about photos resemblibling a reality in any sense. No guarantees presented that a technology, or a personal advice, or/and any information posted on the website is usefull or harmless for your environment.

The join() case for a better select()

Today’s bug in JavaScript code: was using the Array’s join() function and getting results which did not match the expectations. Turns out, that in a case of sparse array (with missing data at certain indexes) join inserts an empty string. So, considering the code:

var a = ['zero', 'one', 'two'];
a[4] = 'four';
alert(a.join(' : '));

The resulting alert will be zero : one : two : : four.

Duh! To adjust to the behavior I have modified the Ruby-like selector to have the «pack» parameter like in this:

// pack   is truthy: (default) resets indexes, returns new packed array
// pack   is falsy:  preserves indexes, returns new sparse array
// tester is a filtering function. Should accept the array's
//        element and return truthy or falsy.
Array.prototype['select'] = function(pack, tester){
  if (typeof(pack) == 'function') {
    tester = pack;
    pack = true;
  } else if (typeof(tester) != 'function'){
    throw { name: 'ArgumentError', message: 'Function expected. Should accept the array\'s element and return truthy or falsy.' }
  result = [];
  for (i in this) {
    if ( tester(this[i]) ) {
      if (pack) { result.push(this[i]); }
      else      { result[i] = this[i]; };
  return result;

Here are the Firebug runs of the select(...):

>>> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select( function(e){ return e>3; } )
>>> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select( false, function(e){ return e>3; } )
>>> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select( true, function(e){ return e>3; } )

I do not know if this works in all browsers - I have only tested it in Firefox.


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